Our parish is a vibrant, faith-filled community of members who support one another and reach out to the larger community to bring the light of Christ to others. As Jesus’s disciples, we serve as living examples of His compassion, mercy, tenderness, and love. One of the many ways our parish carries out Christ’s mission is through our Outreach Programs.
Our Outreach Programs
Social Justice Ministry
All of us are responsible for sharing good news by transforming the world, but some of us are called to concentrate on social issues in a particular way. At Saints JFX, people with this calling find a home in our social justice ministry.
Members of the social justice ministry live our discipleship by following the Gospel mission “to proclaim good news to the poor; proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18) Our community of passionate, engaged disciples seeks to transform our world by:
Our response to our call has taken various forms. We’ve facilitated education programs on issues including racism, hunger, immigration, the environment, Islamic-Christian relationships, and the criminal justice system. We’ve broadened our horizons by ministering to people living on the margins throughout the Chicagoland area. We’ve welcomed refugee families to the U.S. And we’ve made sure our faith is heard in the public square. If you are ready to answer the call to make our world a more just place, we’d love to be a part of that journey. Contact us by clicking the button below. Respect Life
“All human life – from the moment of conception and through all subsequent stages – is sacred because human life is created in the image and likeness of God. Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person.” -St. Pope John Paul II.
Saints JFX supports all life from conception to natural death. We do this by educating and informing our parishioners, supporting pregnancy centers that help women choose life, and praying for a change of heart for society to protect all life. Find out more about "40 Days for Life" HERE. Please donate to local pro-life groups - Aid for Women, Pro-Life Action League and Students for Life. To get involved in this Life Saving ministry, click the button below. Family Promise
Saints JFX partners with Family Promise Chicago North Shore to provide support for local families in need of short-term assistance. During our “host” weeks, the guest families enjoy evening meals shared with our volunteers and spend their nights in our convent building on Forest Avenue. They then move to another nearby church or congregation that will serve as host for a week. After three to four months in the program, most families are ready to move into their own apartments. Through this wonderful program, we have been able to lend a helping hand to numerous families with children.
For more information, to support this program, or to get involved, please click the button below: |