About usLooking to connect? Serve? Live your discipleship with a vibrant community of faith-filled women? The Saints JFX Women’s club would love to have you join.
We support the mission of the parish by offering wonderful opportunities to meet new people, serve others, and grow spiritually. Most importantly, the different activities of the club mean that there is something for everyone here! Whether serving at a soup kitchen, gathering for a social event, attending the Valentine’s Tea fundraiser, or participating in faith discussions, you will find a warm welcome and a place to grow. Below, you'll find detailed information about the club, our guilds, and the club’s activities, as well as directions on how to join. Leadership PositionsCo-President 2024-25: Jennifer McGinn
[email protected] Co-President 2024-25: Sandy Pigott [email protected] Board Members for 2024-25: Deirdre Dennett, Mary Franklin, Colleen Fitzgerald, Gina Butterfield, Char Zettler, Gabby Clow, Diane Clarke and Rachelle Leech. Email us at: [email protected] Highlighted events:Christmas Dinner 2024Christmas '24 Cookie WalkUncle Pete's Sandwich Making
Learn More
Welcome! We invite you to explore all that the Saints Joseph & Francis Xavier Women’s Club has to offer. The Women’s Club has been in existence for over 150 years and we are very pleased to welcome new members from our parish. The Women’s Club was formed to promote the best interests of the parish through its spiritual, social and community activities. We support the mission of the parish by offering wonderful opportunities to meet new people, serve others, and grow spiritually. Activities include:
Below, you'll find detailed information about the Club, our guilds, and activities, as well as instructions on how to join. Please email us at [email protected] with any questions you might have. We encourage you to remain/become a part of this exceptional group of women! About membership: There are two kinds of membership in the Women’s Club: Associate Members and Guild Members. Associate Members Associate members are not a part of any specific guild, and are welcome to attend all events hosted by the Women’s Club, such as the three general membership dinner meetings and the Valentines Tea fundraiser. Guild Members Guilds are designed to allow for smaller group socializing. Members may join more than one guild. Guild meetings provide an opportunity for members to meet new people, renew friendships and participate in the vibrant life of our parish! Join the Saints JFX Women's Club
Register Online
Complete the online Women's Club Membership Form. Register by USPS Mail
Special volunteer service
"In Service of Others"Looking to volunteer for small tasks and acts of kindness? Join this committee of women serving those who need a little help with daily life. See details on the form below. You do not need to be a member of the Women's Club to serve on this committee. Questions? CLICK HERE to e-mail Diane Clarke. Click below for the committee sign up form: In service of Others Committee form Prayer BlanketsPrayer blankets are offered to any person who is ill or suffering and would benefit from having a blessed blanket for comfort. Please contact Paula Humbach to request a blanket: [email protected]
If you or a loved one have received a prayer blanket and would like to make a donation directly to this Women's Club ministry, please CLICK HERE. Guild DescriptionsGuild 2
Guild 3
Guild 4
Guild 5
The guild "names" provide a profile guideline for each group but in no way indicate that members need to have children in that bracket or any children at all. We welcome women of all ages, with or without children of their own. See below for links to join the club, either via an online form or by printing a form to mail in. We ask our members to pay 'dues' every year. This money is only used for charitable projects and gifts. |