REFLECTIONS ON MERCY, FORGIVENESS AND SALVATION Monday, March 13th, 2023 7:00 p.m. by Zoom videoconference. Please Save the Date! Questions? Contact Kathleen Clarke at c[email protected] A Tri-Parish Event Open PDF for Details Ss. Faith Hope & Charity Hope & Charity
Fr. James Wallace, Pastor and Canon Lawyer and Gail Goleas, Field Delegate will help clarify our understanding of the teaching of the Church regarding Marriage, Divorce and Annulment. Registration is below. If you would like to send a question in beforehand to be answered during the Q&A session that night, please send it to Pam Coster at [email protected]. Sign Up Here Open PDF for More Details Join us for a fun family night of Pizza & Bingo on Saturday, February 25th, 2023
at 6pm in the St. Joseph School cafeteria. Cost: $15 per person (all ages) with $60 max per family (includes 1 bingo card, pizza, soft drinks & cookies) Additional Bingo cards: $5 for 5 cards CLICK HERE to sign up online OR pay at door with cash/check only. Please B-1 a prize donator: Unused toys, books, games, gift cards, etc. Drop off at SJ Rectory. Questions? Call Marion Kahle 847-769-9619 This event is hosted by the Saints JFX Women’s Club to benefit SPRED – religious education for special needs children/adults. The Annual Catholic Appeal is an invitation for every Catholic family to respond with a generous heart. Your gift will provide inspiration, education and services to the less fortunate in our Archdiocese and throughout the world.
Make a Gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal Ash Wednesday is February 22, 2023.
Please join us! 6:30 A.M. St. Francis Xavier Church- Mass with Ash Distribution 8:30 A.M. St. Joseph Church- Mass with Ash Distribution 4:00 P.M. St. Joseph Church- Ash Distribution Service 6:00 P.M. St. Francis Xavier Church- Ash Distribution Service 7:30 P.M. St. Joseph Church- Mass with Ash Distribution FOOD PANTRY NEEDS
-Toothpaste -Deodorant -Shampoo and Conditioner -Feminine Hygiene Products -Soap Donations baskets can be found in the back of the St. Francis Xavier Church and St. Joseph Church. You can also drop off donations at either parish office. Open PDF Flyer |
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February 2025